
March 1 “A Slice of Infinity” slice this week was Into God’s Arms and dealt with pain.

Answered prayer came in the form of this slice.  I seem to have a difficult time answering this question to others and myself.

Why do innocent suffer?

Why do we face all these diseases?

Why the suffering of millions because of natural disasters or the tyranny of demagogues?

Just as Ravi says in the slice “I do not pretend to have all the answers, but one thing I know: pain is a universal fact of life.”  Even as I am a child of God and saved by grace, my life still has pain.  Pain won’t go away until I am with Jesus.

What I know is God is holy, mighty, perfect, and love.  If my pain allows others to come into a personal relationship with Jesus then I accept that pain.  If my life or death brings someone to God then I accept that sacrifice.


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